With the White House continually provoking tensions against Russia and China, the doyen of American foreign policy, Henry Kissinger, dramatically warned Washington last week to either agree to a new international system or continue pushing tensions that are leading to a situation similar to the eve of World War One. In a recent Chatham House webinar […]
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CHINA has been sent a warning by defence insider Nicholas Drummond, who told Express.co.uk that Britain’s nuclear weapons will be on standby for a “land grab” from Beijing – adding that “we will use them” in a dire situation. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace unveiled the Defence Command Paper this week, outlining the shape and size […]
Read MoreAt this hour, more Russian military forces are massed near Ukraine’s borders than we have ever seen before. Western military leaders say that they are concerned that the troop movements that we have witnessed in recent days may be leading up to an invasion, and if an invasion does happen it will greatly test the […]
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